Wednesday 1 September 2010


There is some people that are travellers, there others who never experiece "the call" as I like to name it. I did chose to travel the first time, I didn't know exactly why I felt it so strong, it was almost a need. And nothing else mattered, nothing else stopped me! After a year I felt the need to stop, build myself and grow up, settle for a bit and save money. But the feeling is still in the back of my head, exploding during the night, filling my dreams. I know I have to travel again. When? Doesn't matter (soon though!) Where? Matters even less. Adventures are out there.

So, if you feel it, almost like a pain that tells you to go (no the running away feeling though!), go! Someone told me that life is not just following what gives us pleasure. I understand there are resonsabilities, things we have to take care of and I don't think inmediate pleasure is happiness. But from my point of view, life is pursuiving pleasure.... following happiness!!!!!

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