Tuesday 10 August 2010

Being strong

I've been thinking for a while about this thing of "being strong". I've always been really proud of it, you'll see my figthing my tears, becoming completely cold when stress demands it. I don't breake myself. Wait. That is not true, the only thing is that you will never see it.

So, why do we have this need of look cool, of drawn ourselves in our own pain? Will it be better to explode and say everything that goes throught my mind at the moment, shout, scream and cry? On one side of the scale is this pression that end up exploding when the situation gets colder, on the other one I really don't want to look vulnerable (it took my a long time to convince myself that I am make of steal, and an even longer time to realize that is not bullet proof!).

If I have to choose one of this options, there's no doubts for me, you can point me with a gun and I'll be trying to negociate so you would not take my leather jacket (true story!) of you can come and tell me with no anestesia that you cheated on me, and I won't cry, I won't scream, yep, you'll think I'm the coolest person ever. Do I look so strong that you think you can come to me and tell me hurtfull things just so you won't feel guilty? How would that be if I was vulnerable? Would you be scared of hurting me? Would you even care?

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